With over 520 five-star reviews, this book has changed people’s lives. The bold title of Turn Your Computer Into a Money Machine was born out of my enthusiasm for the method I used to earn as much as $60 per hour of my time, working from home, with nothing more than my computer and an internet connection – no prior experience required!
Reading that, surely you can see why I was so excited, right?
If, like me, the idea of working WHENever and WHEREver you want, plus taking time off whenever you please sounds good to you, read on. (Or, save time and grab into the book right now.)
And don’t worry — I’m not about to tell you to start writing books, become a blogger, build websites, start a Multi-Level Marketing business, fill out a pile of mind-numbing surveys, sell stuff on eBay, or bug your friends by trying to sell things to them.
My system is much easier to get up and running, can be set up within 1 week, and can put cash in your pocket a lot sooner than most of those other options.
And unlike so many other businesses, the one you’ll read about here has little to no start-up costs.
What readers are saying
“Over the holidays, I read your book ‘Turn Your Computer into a Money Machine’. As I was finishing the book, I came to your recommended starting points, and went ahead and signed up for Writing Bunny (Article Bunny), and was accepted on their platform. I’m happy to say that as of yesterday I had my first article accepted by them (and the client) for close to $150!” Seth Carper
Needless to say, I was super excited by Seth’s news. Obviously not everyone will find success quite as fast as he did – it depends on how much time you have to put into it, whether you need to improve your writing skills first, etc. But his results are definitely something to aim for.
“Avery Breyer helped me double my income. Listen to what she tells you. She knows her stuff.” Peter Bahi
Peter’s comment totally made my day. And I may have done a happy dance on his behalf after reading his email to me! And if you get results like he did, please shoot me an email so I can do a happy dance for you, too, okay?
Now before you check out what this next reader had to say (it made me smile all day long, and led to another happy dance!), there’s something I need to tell you. For a variety of reasons, I’m guessing most people who read this book will make absolutely nothing.
Well, a lot of people simply won’t do the work required to build their biz. Or, they may decide this isn’t the kind of work they’re interested in doing, so they won’t even give it a try.
However, this next reader’s email was fantastic to see because it’s exactly the kind of result I want my readers to get.
“Thank you so much, I’ve loved reading your book… since reading your book I’ve just landed a $2,500 writing contract and have been making money from other clients in the past two weeks!!” Tahtyanna Mattocks
That’s pretty awesome, is all I can say!
Imagine having the ability to earn a little bit (or maybe a LOT) of extra cash each month, without having to get another job.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could earn this extra cash on YOUR terms and…
- work when you want, and where you want
- finally have the extra cash you need to afford a few luxuries in your monthly budget
- be able to take time off whenever you please, without having to beg for permission from your boss and arrange for it weeks or months in advance
- be able to double, triple, or quadruple your hourly wage once you learn to be more efficient at your work, rather than having your boss reward you with more work and zero extra pay
This book will teach you my method for doing all that and more.
I’ve used this system anywhere from North American suburbia to Bali — how many JOBS can offer you that kind of flexibility? The ability to design your dream life, wherever you want it to be? Read this book and find out how to do it!
I’ve earned money everywhere from home on my couch in suburbia to a cozy coffee shop overlooking a gorgeous marina in the tropics. This book will show you how.
If you’re looking for real ways to earn money from home, a system that’s flexible and works whether you’re just doing it in your spare time as a side hustle, or turning it into a full-time gig, you should read this book. I know this system works, because I use it even now.
You could be next. Read this book and find out how to do it.
“Your book is what first got me excited to give writing for $ a try. And here I am writing for money!” Craig Dobson
Where to buy Turn Your Computer Into a Money Machine
The Kindle edition is available exclusively on Amazon – if you find an ebook edition elsewhere, it’s a pirated copy (please report pirated copies to me here so I can try to get it removed and help protect readers like you from fraud and the potential for virus-infested fakes).
The paperback and audiobook editions are also available on Amazon, and possibly other retailers.
Psst! Short on cash?
Worst case if you can’t afford to buy the book right now, you can read it for free. Click here to find out how.
More books by Avery
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